1 800 QUIT NOW – 1 800-784-8669 – quitlineiowa.org
Quitline Iowa = the primary resource in Iowa to help tobacco users quit. Quitline Iowa is confidential and private.
- 2x more likely – studies have shown that enrolling in helpline counseling can more than double chances of quitting successfully
- 26% of callers to Quitline Iowa successfully quit
- 62% of callers to Quitline Iowa stated they were very satisfied with the services they received
What does Quitline do?
Provides free counseling and medication to help people quit.
- 1 on 1 Counseling available to all people living in Iowa regardless of income or insurances status
- Staffed by real people, who are friendly and non-judgmental
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Tools to overcome urges
- Individualized tailored quit plans
- Available over the phone or online
- Coaching is available in 170+ languages
Text “Start My Quit” to 855-891-9989
Youth Tobacco Cessation Program mylifemyquit.com
What is My Life My Quit?
- Youth tobacco cessation program
- 5 coaching sessions
- Dedicated youth 1 on 1 coaches
- Texting or call
What happens to your body when you quit tobacco?
- 20 minutes – blood pressure decrease, pulse rate drops, body temperature of hands and feet increase
- 8 hours – carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal, oxygen level in blood increases to normal
- 24 hours – chance of a heart attack decrease
- 48 hours – nerve endings start regrowing, sense of smell and tase improve
- 1-12 weeks – circulation improves, walking becomes easier, lung function improves
- 4-36 weeks – coughing, sinus congestion, tiredness and shortness of breath decreases
- 1 year – risk of coronary heart disease decreases to half that of smokers
- 5 years – from five to 15 years after quitting, stroke risk is the same as people who never smoked
- 10 years – risk of cancer drops to half that of smokers, risk of ulcer decreases
- 15 years – risk of coronary heart disease is the same as people who have never smoked, risk of death is the same as people who have never smoked