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H2O for the Mind

When you do not have enough water in your system, you may feel light-headed and have trouble focusing on simple tasks. This may in turn make you irritable and/or confused.

Dehydration also directly impacts mood. Many people experience anxiety, even panic, along with indicators of dehydration. For those who have depression, not drinking enough water exacerbates the condition by contributing to fatigue, low energy, and headaches.

Getting your 6-8 glasses of water during the dog days of summer can be especially challenging, but that makes it more important. Your body loses water when you sweat under the hot summer sun and even when you breathe out water vapor.

Experiencing some of the above symptoms even with the right amount of water? There may be other factors at play. Heartland Family Service encourages you to check in with yourself. Grab a cool glass of water, sit down, and take a brief online mental health screening.

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While Heartland Family Service aims for this community of opportunity, using it to guide our plans and actions, we know that there will always be someone in need, and those needs are always evolving.

Our work, both on the individual and systemic level, is never done.

That’s why we are inviting our entire community to share this vision — because a world where everyone can needs everyone’s unflinching support. Our client base is not lacking. Our staff is skilled and ready. Now, you can help us expand possibilities.

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So everyone can.