Joe* was referred to Heartland Family Service’s Integrated Health Home (IHH) during the summer. At the time, he was struggling with diagnoses such as bipolar disorder, a psychotic disorder and a delusional disorder. His mental health was in terrible shape. After...
Cindy has spent her entire life suffering from depression. She went undiagnosed until 2017 and says she coped somewhat until she couldn’t anymore. She was thrown out of several homes in a short time and found herself living on the streets with nowhere to...
In her early teenage years, Melissa started hanging out with the wrong crowd, which resulted in her smoking marijuana and drinking. That turned into doing meth. She ended up in a group home, but that didn’t last long. Melissa ran away and eventually ended up at a...
Seeking a safe and better future, Yasmine,* a bright 17-year old girl, came to the United States as a refugee along with her mother. Yasmine soon started attending high school, when her mother noticed her daughter began suddenly struggling with behavioral and...
Sharon* was struggling with homelessness, hopping from friends and family, to shelters, to anywhere she could lay her head. This desperation and longing for a safe space led to Sharon using substances to cope and engaging in prostitution to survive. It was then, that...
Sara* had suffered past trauma which began to display itself through verbal and physical aggression. This made it impossible for her to receive services through her home school district. These barriers made it difficult for Sara to build peer relationships or...