Call to Get Help: (402) 552-7400

Heartland Family Service

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is an evidence-based approach to comprehensive, community-based treatment for persons with serious mental illness. The ACT advantage is that interdisciplinary mental health clinicians are an organized team that functions in a coordinated manner to provide treatment, rehabilitation, and support services, so that persons with serious mental illnesses can live successfully in the community. The ACT model has demonstrated effectiveness for “clients in greatest need,” including people who have major symptoms that improve only partially or not at all with medication and other treatments, or who may have a coexisting substance use disorder or a physical illness (e.g., diabetes) that aggravates psychiatric symptoms and impairments, and magnifies overall service needs.

Group counseling, 5 people seated in a circle
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Service Areas

Pottawattamie County and Southwest Iowa


Adult residents of Cass, Fremont, Harrison, Mills, Monona, Montgomery, Page, Pottawattamie, and Shelby counties, living with serious mental illness that impairs social functioning and produces continuous high-service needs. Individuals who have been ordered by local and/or state courts to receive extended outpatient treatment and other services may also be eligible for ACT services.



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Charles E. Lakin Human Services Campus Office
1515 Ave J
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
PH: (712) 435-5350

Harlan Office
719 Market Street,
Harlan, IA 51537
PH: (712) 695-4002

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Hours of Operation

Lakin Office
Monday through Friday
  8:30 a.m– 5:00 p.m.

Harlan Office
 by appointment only



Heartland Family Service’s Mental Health Counseling services in Iowa are partially funded by the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Call Now

Lakin Office – (712) 435-5350
Harlan Office – (712) 695-4002