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HFS receives Creighton’s Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award

The award is presented to individuals or organizations who have lived up to Dr. King’s legacy in the area of social justice and civil rights advocacy through distinguished civic, cultural or volunteer service and demonstrate a commitment to the educational and community ideals espoused by Creighton University’s mission statement.

Awardees are nominated by Creighton’s Martin Luther King Jr. committee and selected by the President of the University.

Here’s what the university had to say about the award and HFS:

“Our Legacy award recipient is Heartland Family Service, under the direction of CEO, John Jeanetta.

For more than 140 years, Heartland Family Service has strengthened individuals and families in the community through education, counseling and support services. Each year, it serves more than 40,000 individuals in Nebraska and Iowa through its 50 programs in child and family, counseling and prevention, and housing and financial stability.

Since 2009, president and CEO John Jeanetta, has led Heartland Family Service with a strong belief in an expert, trauma-informed and empowered workplace.

For their service to the community, and support to thousands of individuals, Creighton University is proud to present Heartland Family Service with the 2017 President’s Legacy Award.”


Photo caption: Members of the Heartland Family Service Leaders in Culture employee resource group proudly display The President’s Martin Luther King Jr. Legacy Award given to the agency by Creighton University.

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While Heartland Family Service aims for this community of opportunity, using it to guide our plans and actions, we know that there will always be someone in need, and those needs are always evolving.

Our work, both on the individual and systemic level, is never done.

That’s why we are inviting our entire community to share this vision — because a world where everyone can needs everyone’s unflinching support. Our client base is not lacking. Our staff is skilled and ready. Now, you can help us expand possibilities.

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So everyone can.