Call to Get Help: (402) 552-7400

We Stand With You!

We stand in solidarity with our community that is hurting as a result of yet another tragic and senseless murder of an unarmed black person. George Floyd. James Scurlock. We say their names. We recognize the gravity of the events that are happening in our country and in our city, as well as how the weight of that impacts the health and well-being of communities of color. Racism and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. We refuse to turn a blind eye and allow members of our community to suffer in silence.

We see you. We hear you. We stand with you.


Make a donation today

While Heartland Family Service aims for this community of opportunity, using it to guide our plans and actions, we know that there will always be someone in need, and those needs are always evolving.

Our work, both on the individual and systemic level, is never done.

That’s why we are inviting our entire community to share this vision — because a world where everyone can needs everyone’s unflinching support. Our client base is not lacking. Our staff is skilled and ready. Now, you can help us expand possibilities.

Pledge your support today.
So everyone can.