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Ready in 5

Ready in 5 is a program that assists parents and caregivers who are international refugees to prepare their children for success in American kindergarten. This community-wide effort reaches parents and their children in the local neighborhood and the cultural community in which they live. Ready in 5 provides weekly early childhood education programs in community homes for groups of families and their children. Parents are educated in early childhood best practices and taught how to implement cognitive and social skill building as a part of their day to day routines. Additionally, children receive developmental assessments regularly to ensure that any early intervention programs that may be needed are in place prior to entering kindergarten.

Eligibility: Refugee families with children 3-5 years of age. Services are provided in Douglas County, Nebraska.

Funding: This program is made possible with generous support from the Lincoln Financial Group, the Kiwanis Club of Omaha, the Nebraska Arts Council, the Nebraska Cultural Endowment, and United Way of the Midlands.